Our journey towards Sustainability while sailing on all levels: Environmental, Financial and Health

  • More fossil fuel compromises (generator & outboard)

    As we get closer to living on Vida and our first winter living aboard will be at anchor during a UK winter. The reality of the limitations of solar power generation during a UK winter continues to be a concern. It was always obvious, that without an electric shore power connection, heating the boat and…

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  • Bikes by boat

    A very long time ago i wrote Sustainable Sailing and Human Power with a simple conclusion: By far the most cost effective and transformative use of human power in Sustainable Sailing is a bike with a trailer. A good rowing dinghy (probably in addition to a RIB) comes second. For everything else your energy is better…

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  • Check out our new video We get our first stanchion base ready to fit. Making more progress towards carbon-fibre stanchions with fully sealed decks. Also progress on the galley painting, insulation, worktops, fiddles and more. A complete replacement of the original 47 year old galley. Oh, and we fixed some leaks in the deck. Our…

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  • More visible galley progress

    We can really see how the galley will look and work. The cooker box is ready for painting. It even has a sliding bolt to hold it steady when we don’t need it gimbled. We have stainless steel tubes coming to fit as sleeves to protect the wood from the pivot bolts. We know how…

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  • We are really excited with the progress on our stanchions and what we have learnt means we have redesigned our aft solar “arch” yet again (I’ve lost count, this might be the 10,000th version). Stanchions and Gates This was our first stanchion base. The carbon fibre tube is 250mm long with an external diameter of…

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  • Galley progress

    We have made lots of good progress on the galley this weekend. First Jane has painted the insulated hull plus the bulkhead. B&Q kitchen and bathroom paint (Whistler for the main areas and Monaco for the highlights). We then dry fitted the sink worktop. As we did so we redesigned it. Now that we are…

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  • We managed to get two old Lewmar 30 self-tailing winches from ebay to use for our staysail. Four options for where we might position them. At present we favour the first option (very close to the primary winch).

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  • From the BBC today BBC News – Coral bleaching: Fourth global mass stress episode underway – US scientists It’s increasingly obvious that by the time we get to the tropics there isn’t going to be much coral life left to see.

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  • This video from the lovely Sailing UMA is scary. It does end on a cliffhanger. We see that the test model they built failed catastrophically. They built a small section of GRP intended to replicate the original hull. They added a foam core rib, covered it with GRP and then a foam core stringer, also…

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  • In Our Compost Toilet deadline we said we that our current plan is to create a place for composting the septage (the dry solids from our Nature’s Head compost toilet). To achieve the temperatures to rapidly kill all pathogens three things are needed: We need to insulate the space where are composting because our volumes are…

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